Scotland’s first ”˜Fintech Skills Academy’ launches in Fife

A group of actors including international fintechs, Fife Council, Fife College and Fintech Scotland, have joined efforts to launch Scotland’s first Fintech Skills Academy’.
Various Fife based fintechs got involved including Renovite Technologies, Ingenico Group and Paywizard.
The Academy will provide highly skilled and qualified applicants for an industry which is always in demand of new talents.
Jim Tomaney, chiefoperating officer at Renovite Technologies said:
“The Fintech Skills Academy programme will help candidates successfully prepare for new roles while at the same time, help employers by improving candidate’s understanding of the standards Fintech employers want. It’s a win-win scenario that we hope will be replicated nationwide.”
Piloted from January 2019
The courses will be open to both young people about to start their first job and adults with a background in IT who want to update their skills and knowledge to be future-ready.
Teaching will be a mix of practical industry experience and a learning framework designed in a collaboration between Fife College and Fintech businesses.
Students will be offered various specialisation options including:
payment processing
systems testing
device certification
business domain knowledge
The launch was the curtain raising event of the Fintech Scotland’s Fintech Fortnight which runs from September 13th”“ 27th.
Stephen Ingledew, chief executive of FinTech Scotland, said:
“Developing people’s skills in an imperative for the future growth of the fintech sector in Scotland and the launch of the Academy is a further indication that the community is turning its aspirations into tangible actions that will create great opportunities. It is very poignant that the Academy is being launched in Fife which has a deep heritage of innovation in financial services, especially in the category of payments, and I am delighted the initiative is being unveiled at the start of FinTech Fortnight.”