Mental Health in the workplace under COVID-19

Coronavirus is inevitably something which has affected us all. It has affected how we feel, how we work, and how we live. We want you to know that no matter how you are feeling during this time, you are 100% not alone. You are completely normal. You are acting like a fully functional human being reacting to threat, and we are all hardwired to do this.
So what is the hardwiring of humans that makes us feel anxious, irritable, and unmotivated during this worldwide pandemic? We explore what roles various parts of the brain have to play in our reactions to this threat. We are hopeful that by gaining an understanding of these functions, we can recognise and respond in ways that will work more effectively for us.
None of us really have any control over the coronavirus spread, or the economic situation. But we can act to help ourselves. We believe that through having structure and routine; acknowledging our thoughts and feelings; practicing mindfulness; becoming aware of our breathing; taking care of our physical needs; and considering our personal values, that we all might be able to take some steps towards improving our mental health during these times.
Below you can find our blog around Mental Health and how OK Positive can help with supporting you individually and your company.