Making Scotcoin available on the global market ”“ a significant milestone for Scotland

In the growing world of blockchains and cryptocurrencies, Scotcoin is taking a big step forward with the announcement of our partnership with ProBit Global, which will see us publicly list SCOT on its exchange later this year.
With a presence on the ProBit platform, holders of Scotcoin across the world will be able to exchange existing tokens and new users will be able to buy Scotcoin for fiat currency (such as British pounds, US dollars or euros) or other types of cryptocurrencies.
ProBit has an excellent reputation and a substantial international presence that will allow us to spread the word about Scotcoin to more people than ever before. The platform currently operates in more than 200 countries, supports over 45 different languages, and trades in more than 700 different cryptocurrencies.
ProBit will also play an essential part in marketing up to and after the listing by sending information about Scotcoin to its two million customers.
Scotland has around 10 million members of its diaspora worldwide, and many people are sending and receiving money regularly. Importantly, through Scotcoin’s own system, transactions happen instantaneously and without payment of gas fees. This could be a massive benefit for anyone wishing to add Scotcoin to their range of revenue acceptance mechanisms.
Listing the cryptocurrency ties directly into the broader mission of using Scotcoin as a force for good through the Scotcoin Project CIC, which is about people and helping deliver sustainable and improved quality of life for those in need.
This significant milestone will allow further development of the Scotcoin Project CIC ”“ including appointing a professional full-time management team to deliver our business plan ”“ which is focussed on working with preferred partners to deliver a variety of initiatives relating to clothing, food, accommodation, and the environment. We continue to seek suitable preferred partners.
Amid ongoing economic uncertainty, now is the time for Scotland to embrace the idea of a supplementary form of money to strengthen its businesses, charities, and communities, helping to sustain our recovery.
We look forward to welcoming more users to the Scotcoin network, supporting our wider ambition and ultimately playing their part in supporting good causes.
Read more and be part of this exciting journey here:
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