Ionburst selected as one of the top 40 Fintechs globally to join IBM Fintech Fast Pass

..having power to control the security, resilience and compliance of your data in one place.
Wherever it is in the world. On premises, in (multi-) Cloud, or at the Edge.
You know:
- where it’s stored
- how it’s protected
- that it complies with regulations everywhere
”¦and you’ve cut your data exposure and costs by half
Meet Ionburst.
Research proves moving data into Cloud is difficult.
For sectors like financial services, healthcare and defence, that rely on keeping data secure and compliant, it’s a nightmare.
I was International Treasury Director for BlackRock, and I know no solution existed before now and that’s why I’m so passionate about Ionburst.
I’m not alone:
We’re delighted IBM has selected Ionburst as a top 40 fintech globally recognising we uniquely solves critical pain points others can’t.
It’s great recognition for our Scottish Fintech and cybersecurity ecosystems. We learned of this great opportunity from Fintech Scotland’s Opportunities Digest ”“ so a big thank you to all the team!!
So, what is the IBM Fintech Fast Pass and what does it mean for us, for IBM and for IBM Customers?
IBM and IBM Customers
IBM launched their Fintech Fast Pass programme to give their FS customers access to innovation, at their customers’ request.
To support this, IBM has put together a package of measures ranging from engineering support and credits through to introductions to key FS customers, culminating in a showcase annual summit.
IBM also provides marketing and PR support, co-selling and joint Go-to-market opportunities.
In short, a fantastic opportunity!!
We’ve already deployed on IBM, demonstrated Ionburst to their team and are planning next steps ”“ so watch this space!!
Who knows, we may be relevant to our Scottish FS giants!
Meanwhile, we’ll keep our eyes firmly glued to Fintech Scotland’s Opportunities Digest to learn of other opportunities as they arise.