Fraud Academy ”“ Cryptocurrency: Opportunity vs Threat

Fraud Academy ”“ Cryptocurrency: Opportunity vs Threat.
Are you familiar with the legislation and rules that pertain to cryptocurrencies in the United Kingdom? What can be done to prevent crime involving cryptocurrency, where could fraudsters go from here, and how do we begin to investigate this?
PwC are hosting a highly informative virtual event and will explore these questions, and more.
Date: Wednesday 9th February 2022
Time: 13:00 – 14:15 (GMT)
Location: Virtual / Webcast
Within the first nine months of 2021, cryptocurrency related fraud is estimated to have cost the UK over £146 million; a figure already 30% higher than that noted for the whole of 2020. Over 7,100 reports of fraud involving cryptocurrency have been made to the UK’s national reporting centre for fraud. More than half of victims were aged between 18 ”“ 45.
Cryptocurrency will only become a bigger part of how we do business, presenting both an opportunity and a threat; yet how ready are we to make the most of the opportunity and to deal with the threat?
Are you aware of the legislation and rules which exist in relation to cryptocurrencies in the UK? What can be done to prevent crime using cryptocurrency, where could fraudsters go from here and how do we start to investigate it?
At this highly informative virtual event, we will explore these questions, and more with a panel of deep subject matter experts.
We are delighted to be joined by Jim Robertson (DCI, Police Scotland), who will give an overview of the current lay of the land’ from a policing perspective in relation to cryptocurrency and discuss how law enforcement is dealing with the challenges of an increase in this crime type.
Jim will be joined by Craig Kennedy (Partner, Dentons), who will discuss the legal powers available in relation to cryptocurrency in the UK and the potential risks and benefits of using cryptocurrency.
We will also be joined by Haydn Jones (Senior Blockchain Market Specialist – PwC) who will share his own opinions and thoughts on the opportunities and threats presented by the rise in cryptocurrencies from his own experiences investigating and providing expert witness testimony on cases involving cryptocurrency.
Attendees will also have the opportunity to put questions to our speakers during a Q&A session.
We look forward to welcoming you to our event on Wednesday 9 February 2022 at 1:00pm.
If you have any questions about this event, or have any issues registering for this event, please contact the team via or