Insure Apps

Seeking investment

Insure Apps seeks to put technology in the hands of the customer. In the commercial insurance sector, the average time between a motor claim happening and being reported to insurers is 23 days.  The driver can report a claim in a few minutes capturing photographs, GPS, time and date, witness and police details.  They can report directly to the insurer, broker or any other desired third party.  Using our apps, brokers have seen their client’s day one reporting move from 22 days to less than one!

Industry figures tell us that capturing a whiplash claim on day one will cost around £5,000.  If the claim is not reported for 30 days and a few things go wrong then the cost will spiral to around £20,000.  This results in significantly higher insurance premiums.

Insure Apps has identified the key issues behind these delays and devised a solution which tackles both speed of reporting and the quality of the data provided.   Additionally, we seek to standardise as much as possible the information sent to the insurance brokers and insurers making the handling of claims more efficient, once again driving down costs.  It’s a win for the client, a win for the broker and a win for the insurer.

We’re a BIBA (British Insurance Brokers Association) approved scheme provider giving us unique access across the UK to brokers. This endorsement puts us in a strong market position for insurance technology suppliers.  The company has over 25 years of insurance experience internally and a partnership with a top Scottish development agency gives us a unique perspective on our target market along with great technical ability.

Our offering not only includes Claims Made Easy, but more bespoke “white-labelled” apps and back office systems. As part of our continued development of the product, both property and liability claims can also be submitted through the system.

As the first dedicated company in this space in the UK, Insure Apps will continue to develop the product in line with the demand of our end user and clients. Ultimately, we seek to use our relationships inside the insurance industry to stay ahead of the competition and continue to deliver the most intuitive, informative and powerful claims solution.

Insure Apps continue to strive to solve the industry wide problem of late reporting of claims and in turn drive claims costs down. The net effect of this will be lower insurance costs for all insurance policy holders.

Insure Apps was born out of an insurance broker in Scotland looking to solve the problem presented to them by a prospective client.  Late reporting with inconsistent information was not only an administrative nightmare for both the client and their broker, but it had a significant impact on costs.  Subsequently the broker designed a commercial driver centric app for their client to report motor claims. The client’s reporting went from 22 days down to less than one. Needless to say, the broker won and has retained this business.

Seeing a business opportunity here, Stephen Marshall (Insure Apps MD) who worked for the broker and the owner of the brokerage launched a separate company offering this technology to brokers around the UK.

Part of this process was applying to be a BIBA (British Insurance Brokers Association) approved service provider. Getting this endorsement was incredibly valuable for the company as brokers trust BIBA and this has been critical to the success of the company to date.

Initially launching Claims Made Easy (CME)a claims app where brokers could be “plugged in” and found via a code, we’ve evolved into building more bespoke apps for brokers, from simple white-labelling to specialist insurance apps alongside CME. These include travel insurance, classic cars insurance while also designing a claims facility on smartphones to be sent directly onto the phones of drivers in large fleets.

After launching this technology, we found it was transformational – typical day one reporting of 18% has become over 90% by using the app.

Over the last 14 months of trading the offering has continually developed and now over 30 UK brokers, including many listed in the top 10 (Miles Smith, The Clear Group to name a few) are using the system.  Brokers who join Insure Apps not only get a claims app to help their clients, but also are involved in the journey of improving the product.  Working with these companies we’ve seen the product evolve into something slicker and more intuitive.  This in turn with the figures we’ve collated from real time claims has resulted in the app being a finalist in the Insurance Times Claims Awards, The Insurances Times Tech and Innovation Awards and the British Claims Awards.

Going forward Insure Apps seeks to continue to sign up brokers and fleets across the UK to become the dominant solution in this space.

Stephen Marshall BA Hons ACII (Managing Director)

Stephen has over 25 years insurance experience, working in both an Insurance Company and an Insurance Brokerage. Throughout his career he’s focused on how technology can transform the sleepy world of insurance and this has transferred well into Insure Apps. He leads the company, develops strategy and drives sales as well as constantly developing the product we sell.


Gareth Stubbs MA (Hons) BA LLB (Business Development Manager)

Gareth’s role involves sales pipeline, client support and embedding the app with users. Other roles involve development and testing of apps designed by the company. Currently studying an accelerated Diploma in insurance in order to provide better insight into clients’ needs.


Blue2 Digital

IT is outsourced to partners Blue2 digital. The concept behind this is to keep 6+ developers involved with the project and deepen the knowledge pool of talent behind the technology.


  • Funding Stage Self-funded
  • Trading for 1-5 years
  • Employees 6-10
  • Sector Insurance
  • Valuation N/A

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