Etive is a digital data management solutions company, simplifying digital identity management for residential property sales. This is achieved through the Digital Log Book®, our MyIdentity® scheme and Property Log Book®.
Etive are designing and implementing the digital identity trust scheme for the home buying and selling process for England & Wales, known as MyIdentity®. We have been working on identity since 2014, initially on the scheme and now the DCMS Digital Identity & Attributes Trust Framework.
The Digital Log Book® (DLB) is a personal data store that enables a person to store, manage and share their personal information in a secure and structured way, to whomever they want, using their digital identity credentials.
The Property Log Book® (PLB) is used by home builders, solicitors & conveyancers, estate agents, financial services and social landlords improving access to property information. The PLB is a secure system enabling you to manage information about a home and share this information as and when required. The PLB is used to support property sales transactions, repair and maintenance and even for insuring and lending purposes, thus reducing risk.
Etive’s plan was to develop key products enabling us to help people better manage their personal identity and their home. Using our platforms would enable us to link a person to a property and then enable us to deliver products, services and support to the people within the home based on the household makeup, location of the property and condition of the property.
In 2011 we started working with Birmingham City Council (BCC) on a Stay Warm Stay Well project to help low-income people to save money on their energy bills due to fuel poverty, using the PLB.
2011- 2018 worked with Scottish Water on the 3 largest smart metering water and energy efficiency projects. Scottish Water wanted to explore the effectiveness of a number of introduced water efficient measures in order to develop a standard ”˜water efficiency specification’ that could be used for residential properties. These projects gathered consumption data over a number of years to gain a greater depth of information on how customer consumption patterns and behaviours of households. The PLB was used as the smart metering platform enabling us to capture and use real time consumption data based against property type and household makeup.
2013 worked with BCC and the DWP on a Universal credit project with the aim to channel shift people from face-to-face and telephone to online using a digital by default approach. A DWP funded project, we designed the Digital Log Book® to help low income and thin file people better manage their personal information and to help them prove their identity.
Consequently, we did many community led projects for BCC on financial and digital inclusion using a combination of the Property Log Book® and Digital Log Book®.
2016 to 2018 we worked with the Government Digital Service (GDS) on with the likes of Tower Hamlets, Hackney Council and the Post Office on 3 projects for digital identity for thin file people.
2016 Discovery project to deliver on a Micros Sources of Data project. Building a digital identity for the digitally and financially excluded.
2017 Alpha project looking at open service design patterns to enable LAs to leverage GOV.UK Verify and enable data to be used to improve identity verification of low income people.
2019 Beta project delivering on how local authority data, collected and stored in the DLB, can be successfully used by identity providers to create assured identity for citizens.
Stuart Young, Managing Director
L&G Mortgage Club and DCMS – The Government wants to improve how digital identity is done and demonstrate what a ”˜good’ digital identity should look like. As such, the DCMS has made a number of commitments to create a framework for what a good digital identity should look like. – LINK