Sopra Steria

Sopra Steria’s consulting services, powerful software and systems integration expertise combine to support fintech innovation and growth – from concept-testing of exciting and disruptive technology, to market readiness at scale.

We harness the power of fintech

We harness the power of fintech

At Sopra Steria, we know that great fintech innovations need to be challenged and tested at scale to qualify their impact and potential. For many fintech firms, that’s a major issue. Why?

  • Funding for prototypes and MVP (minimal viable products) quickly runs out
  • Lengthy and complex procurement processes with potential partners (banks, building societies, insurers, asset managers and investment organisations)
  • Small fintech teams struggle to attract new talent to take their ideas forward

It doesn’t have to be this way. As a forward-thinking company, Sopra Steria understands the promise and disruptive power of fintech.  We proactively seek out opportunities for fintech firms and established financial services organisations to work together, integrating exciting, disruptive innovations with legacy systems to create new, compelling customer experiences.

Share and learn – plug in to our innovation hub

Challenge fintechs

Share and learn – plug in to our innovation hub

We are experts in areas such as digital experience, intelligent automation and analytics, digital security, cloud and digital innovation – so there’s something for every fintech. Established businesses work with us to re-invent their customer journeys and expand their Open Banking capabilities. We are an innovation hub, continually looking for ways in which fintechs can share ideas and prototypes with our customers and partners, for example via secure cloud-native API gateways.

Accelerate fintech adoption

Accelerate Fintech

Accelerate fintech adoption

We bring together consulting, software and systems integration capabilities both to accelerate the route-to-market for innovative fintech products and to deliver value to the wider financial services sector. As a strategic partner to FinTech Scotland, Sopra Steria is at the forefront of the new fintech economy that’s shaping the future of financial services in Scotland.

A worker with a laptop sitting on top of an engine

Get in touch

To discover how we can help you join the fintech revolution, contact UK Fintech Director Colin Carmichael ––