Orca launches Innovative ISA to help investors access multiple P2P platforms
Orca, the Scottish fintech, announced today the launch of its Innovative Finance ISA (IFISA). It will enable investors to invest across multiple peer-to-peer lenders (P2P) by taking down
Until now, investors were only allowed to one P2P platform in an IFISA each tax year. Should they want to invest in an ISA from different platforms, they had to go through a painful process of creating separate accounts with each P2P platform.
One interesting stat given by Orca is that in order to achieve the same level of diversification enabled through Orca’s IFSA, it would have taken five years as opposed to minutes now. They can now invest in 5 leading P2P platforms at once.
Iain Niblock says: “The Orca ISA is an innovation that can make investing in P2P far more accessible to the wider investing public. It gives them a diversified, highly attractive alternative to Cash and Stocks and Shares ISAs.
“Investor funds are automatically spread across many of the UK’s leading P2P platforms. This reduces exposure to any one platform and distributes investment across a much broader range of asset classes and risks.
The dangers of cashless and how to design for a digital economy
Blog written by Sergei Miller-Pomphrey – analyst, designer, full-time finch nerd – @goforsergei on twitter and medium
Many have recently spoken about the dramatic cashless uptake by consumers. June 2018 was a big month with the breaking news that UK debit card transactions had overtaken cash transactions for the first time (13.2bn transactions compared to 13.1bn)”Š”””Šreported in various media, examples here, hereand here”Š”””Šand contactless transactions (5.6bn) had grown dramatically, also.
In terms of debit cards, the uptake is an outcome of many factors like fewer branches and cash machines, but probably most prominent is the general cultural shift toward using cash less frequently and leveraging the efficiencies that card transactions bring.
As for contactless, this has been made possible in part by the enhancements made to UK bank cards”Š”””Šall new cards printed in the last several years have generally been contactless-enabled, barring a few slow off-the-mark legacy banks, with the earliest contactless adopters going back a decade (and longer if you’re a real pedant).
Contactless debit cards coupled with smartphone ubiquity, the rise of smartwatches, and Apple, Google and Samsung Pay enabled on almost every device, has made paying by some form of cashless payment easier.
Not to mention the meteoric rise of internet shopping, which now goes beyond buying books and small electronics, with everything available online from food and clothing to holidays and cars.
Also, Direct Debits are now so standard it’s hard to imagine that there ever was a time when you got a physical bill from a supplier and you went to the Post Office to pay it!
(Many) Users are obviously embracing contactless and a cashless economy.
But none of this could have been made possible without merchants evolving to accepting cashless payments as a standard, also.
Your local coffee shop these days is as likely to have a sign that says “No Cash” as it was a decade ago that the sign read “Cash Only”.
The challenge
Let’s cut to the chase”Š”””Ša cashless economy requires democratised, stable and secure infrastructure.
Users need the ability to engage in a cashless economy, which means they need bank accounts to get debit cards and smart-enabled devices to pay for things cashlessly.
Getting a bank account means you need proof of identification and a fixed physical location to call a home.
Even mobile numbers and email addresses are mandatory in many instances these days when applying for a bank account, which means you need a home landline or mobile phone contract and some form of internet access.
And all of that is just for the consumers”Š”””Šbusinesses that rely on cash and cheque need to invest in business bank accounts that generally charge the business a monthly fee and additional fees for transactions, payments, deposits, withdrawals.
Businesses need EPoS machines (electronic point of sale”Š”””Šcard readers) to take payments. In order for card readers to work, they need internet. EPoS vendors can charge monthly fees, flat percentage fees on transactions, or varying tiers depending on value or number of transactions.
Then comes the underlying payments network infrastructure. Mastercard and Visa, the two biggest players in the game”Š”””Šcheck your bank cards, their logos are likely on them! (With American Express being another biggie.)
Last year, in June, the Visa network went downall across Europe. It was a pretty crazy day.
Then, a month later, Mastercard went down.
With the growth in cashless payments, these down times were felt by consumers hard ”“ people were rushing to cash machines to withdraw funds to pay for dinner, buy shopping, go out, or even just manage to make it home safe from wherever they were.
It exposed just how reliant we are, now, more than ever, on systems rather than people. When working in hospitality. If you’re working in a café and your till system goes down, you just have to use a piece of paper, a pen, and a calculator, and you take cash only.
There was no alternative here for those that didn’t already have cash on them or who couldn’t get to a cash machine.
In the grand scheme of things, a few hours of payment processing being down is manageable”Š”””Šthink about how we manage power cuts and bus replacement services, we just need a back-up infrastructure.
At the moment, that backup infrastructure is cash. But this may not always be.
Cash and cashless
One of the huge benefits of cash and the physical economy is that it is democratised for, of and by the people ”“ you don’t needa bank account for cash, you don’t need a home, you don’t need a driving license, Council Tax bill, phone number, email address or passport.
While some may have more or less money than others, nobody (practically) owns money or the cash economy itself”Š”””Šregardless of who prints the money.
Another huge benefit is that you don’t need a technical infrastructure”Š”””Šcash is good old brain and brawn (counting and moving).
If there’s an issue with a register, EPoS machine or calculator, you can always just figure it out yourself.
In essence, many of the benefits of cashless are just the negative points of cash”Š”””Šlike all good evolving innovations, cashless is finding and fixing the weak(er) points of its predecessor.
Cash is physical, so it’s SUPER dirty”Š”””Šit’s pretty disgusting when you think about it.
Cash is physical, so it’s fragile”Š”””Šthe number of times I washed my last fiver while in school makes me want to cry just thinking about it. Or that ripped £20 that you taped back together so you could top up the leccie card and keep the lights on!
Cash is physical, so it goes missing”Š”””Šremember looking all over the house for the tenner that fell out when you emptied your pockets that night?
Cash is physical, so it takes up space”Š”””Šall those times you walked down the street with your pockets sounding like the unmistakable jingle jangle of a high-school janitor!
Holding cash can bring risk.
You could be mugged in the street for the contents of your wallet, if you’re lucky, or sustain injuries or worse if you’re unlucky that day.
Your business could be burgled, losing a day or week’s or month’s takings depending on how often you get to the bank.
One big point about digital however, is that it is every bit as susceptible to theft as hard cash.
The difference being that we now put even more of that burden of protection on the organisations that hold our cash, in exactly the same way that we did when banks first started operating.
The pros of cashless essentially boil down to three things, efficiency, security and convenience.
The bigger issue
System infrastructure is one thing, but socio-economic infrastructure is another, much more difficult issue altogether.
There has been a lot of discussion about two main things to do with the negative effects of a cashless economy (with, of course, many other issues and nuances, also):
- Inherently denying access; and
- Hurting businesses that rely on cash
Let’s take them in turn.
The first part of the infrastructure outline above should act as a warning bell to every one of you reading this”Š”””Šhow do the homeless, those who can’t prove their identity, those without access to internet, the unbanked and the underbanked gain access to the cashless economy?
Access to the cashless economy is a privilege.
Cashless is inherently baking additional privilege in to the world’s economies.
This additional privilege thereby adds more disadvantage those who are already hugely disadvantaged and deprived in our societies to start.
With cashless adoption growing, there’s less need for a physical infrastructure such as bank branches or cash machines (though, of course, more reliance on an network of card readers).
This has negative effectson those who rely on those services, which invariably includes the poor, the elderly, the not-digitally-enabled, the un- and under-banked, and those who just don’t know how to manage their finances, digitally, or engage in the system.
There are many, many, manyarticles to read on the subject.
The second part is about how micro and small enterprises can survive in a cashless economy.
Part of the reason for this struggle is due to cash flow.
Businesses that rely heavily on cash and cheque transactions are able to manage their cash flow more easily against low turnover.
For example, if a cheque takes a few days to clear, then they can write the cheque on the Friday but use the takings from the weekend to pay for the cheque come Tuesday.
Other issues include the additional overheads that businesses need to absorb in order to engage in a cashless economy”Š”””Šphone line, card reader rental, fees on transactions, all of that needs to either come off the business’s bottom line or be put on to the consumer.
The future of cash
Cash will die. Eventually.
Just like the horse-and-cart are no longer the primary mode of logistics and transportation, and the quill is no longer the prevalent form of writing implement”Š”””Šcashless is the evolutionof cash.
It is inevitable.
Now, it may not happen tomorrow or in the next decade. Cash still has some fight in it yet, but that isn’t necessarily down to any inherent traits in the benefits of cash.
The necessity of holding on to cash actually comes from the sheer scale of the culture change required and our failures in being able to adapt quickly enough to build for a cashless economy that was peaking over the horizon for the last decade.
Let us re-frame and reverse a position above”Š”””Šcashless does notinherentlydeny access to the economy.
Cashless doesn’t think. It’s not a thing or a person. It’s a concept. It’s a culture. And it’s a culture born out of the real world and how people interact.
And those that are denied access to the cashless economy is not because of those that are engaging with it, but because financial institutions have not solved access to the economy for those people.
For those that don’t have access to internet, this is due to government and big telcom not having solved issues of access as a right for the populace.
The last one is more difficult”Š”””Šfinancial literacy and awareness, in being consciously able to adapt and embrace a cashless / digital economy. That’s huge culture change and the government and banks and all financial institutions should be working together provide access to information and knowledge that can help these people engage.
And businesses, how do we help them?
Well, part of this isn’t cashless’s fault, again. High-streets all across the UK are being squeezed because of online shopping and changing demand.
Cashless is only one part of a larger trend for businesses and they need to adapt their business models regardless of whether they take card or not.
But they must know that if the trend is leaning towards cashless payments, then they risk losing customers if they can’t accept this payment.
And as for managing suppliers and cash flow, there are ways to re-set yourself there, too”Š”””Šbusinesses need to recalibrate to be able to hold cash for future payments, not pay yesterday with today.
So, what..?
Well, we need to do something about it.
And by we’, I don’t mean consumers. I don’t mean that they need to shop local, ignore online retailers, and hoard cash under their mattresses.
Consumer trends are consumers voting with their feet and the economy needs to react to them, not attempt to control them.
The worry here is that government may impede progress by placing regressive policies on consumers or businesses, instead of acknowledging that change is needed and pushing onwards.
It’s always better to fix forward instead of policing back.
We need to have some form digital economy design council that coordinates and aligns financial institutions, businesses, consumers, and most importantly, government.
We need to agree that access to the digital economy is a right, not a privilege.
If we agree that access is a right and not a privilege, it changes how we frame the issue.
It becomes a social imperative to provide access, just like health, education, security, and infrastructure, rather than putting the blame on consumers and changing habits.
Then we can begin designing forward, finding ways to include individuals that are excluded or at risk of exclusion by the many criteria out there.
Maybe we could increase and speed up government incentives for telcoms to provide internet and cellular infrastructure to those in remote or rural areas?
Maybe financial institutions could leverage their Corporate Social Responsibility policies to provide low-cost starter’ smart-enabled devices to allow those without a mobile phone, a computer, internet, or even a branch to access their bank account?
Maybe financial institutions could provide starter’ bank accounts for immigrants, vagrants, and transients?
Maybe government can create a basic account associated to your national insurance number so that every single citizen has basic access to some form of bank account?
Maybe that could be provided in collaboration with a challenger bank like Starling, who have an infrastructure built for the modern economy?
None of these issues are easily solved, but the conversation needs to be had to start trying to solve them.
Thinking forward instead of back is the key to how we can solve this and build for the inevitable digital economy.
But the first step is to think at all.
LendingCrowd in top 30 fast-growing tech startups – Interview with CEO Stuart Lunn
Stuart, well done on being named among the top 30 fast-growing tech startups to watch by Tech Nation. What do you think is the main thing that led to this recognition?
“Thank you! I think the Upscale team have recognised the progress we’ve made since we launched in late 2014, and potential we have to really take this business to the next level. It’s also great to see that 20% of the Upscale 4.0 cohort are fintech businesses.”
What does joining the 2019 cohort of Tech Nation’s Upscale 4.0 programme mean for LendingCrowd?
“This is further validation of our work in building a sustainable business capable of being scaled in a high-growth sector. We founded LendingCrowd to help bridge the funding gap facing so many small businesses, and the experience gained through Upscale and working with Tech Nation will be invaluable. We are proud to be based in Scotland, so it was pleasing to be selected as the only Scottish company to join this year’s Upscale programme. We hope this paves the way for more great Scottish businesses to be recognised.”
How is your firm transforming from being a start-up to being a scale-up business?
“Since our launch, we’ve always been focused on creating robust in-house infrastructure that can scale and underpin growth. This business is built on solid foundations of technology, financial services and regulatory experience, and we’ve proven the benefits of our business model in terms of enabling hundreds of SMEs to access the finance they need to grow. As we continue to bring in larger funds, we’re able to deliver higher levels of funding ”“ helping our borrowers create more jobs and generating real knock-on benefits for the economy.”
You on-boarded some very high profile collaborators last year on your board and in your marketing team. Are you planning on growing significantly more in 2019?
“We announced the appointment of Sir Sandy Crombie as our Chairman in November, and the following month Darren Cairns joined us as CMO. We hope to announce some more additions to the senior management team as we scale this year. In January alone, we’re advertising for seven roles on our careers page. Our team currently numbers 25 and I expect that figure will be close to 40 by the end of this year.”
What are your plans and objectives for 2019?
“To keep growing our investor and borrower base. We’ve now helped more than 570 businesses access over £50 million in funding, including more than £12 million in Scotland. As we attract more investors looking to make their money work harder, we’ll continue making a positive impact for our vital community of SMEs. We want to be the go-to company for Scottish SMEs that are being failed by traditional lenders.”
What’s your view on the future of P2P lending?
“We’ll see increasing levels of institutional money flowing in as the sector matures. Individual investors remain an important part of the mix, and I believe that financial advisers will increasingly recommend this market to their clients as an alternative to traditional savings and investments.”
FinTech Scotland’s first anniversary heralds a growing fintech economy across Scotland
FinTech Scotland has confirmed that the number of innovative fintech SMEs based in Scotland has grown by three times to over eighty in the last twelve months.
The announcement comes on the first anniversary since the formation of FinTech Scotland, a joint initiative by a number of financial services firms, University of Edinburgh and Scottish Government.
The growth in the new fintech enterprises focused on reinventing financial services has been driven by both new start-ups and existing fintech firms moving to Scotland.
In addition, the number has also been bolstered by early stage Scottish technology firms expanding their proposition into financial services.
Since its inception FinTech Scotland has facilitated the growing fintech innovation by fostering the connection between entrepreneurs, large financial services firms, the universities, Government and public sector as well as a range of strategic stakeholders.
Examples of FinTech Scotland’s strategic enabling role have included:
- Developed fintech access to funding and business services with the appointment of a fintech commercial partner Vivolution in conjunction with Scottish Enterprise
- Connected fintech firms with over a dozen large financial services firms and members of Scottish Financial Enterprise to develop new routes to market
- Collaborated with Scottish Development International and Deloitte to develop global connections in Far East, Europe and USA for inward investment and exporting
- Supported the development of fintech entrepreneurial networks and accelerators hubs such as the University of Strathclyde Technology and Innovation Centre
- Developed fintech skills with Scotland’s universities, colleges such as Fife Fintech Skills Academy and student groups such as Glasgow University FinTech Society
- Close collaboration with the Financial Conduct Authority to support fintech firms regulatory understanding reinforced by a senior secondment to FinTech Scotland
- Grew the visibility of the Scotland’s fintech activity through the launch of new digital platformand over 80 fintech events including the FinTech Festival with Visit Scotland
- Developed financial inclusion and diversity initiatives working with consumer groups, social enterprises and bodies such as Equate Scotland
- Facilitated cross sector fintech innovation, for example, with Law Society of Scotland and Scotland IS Cyber team as well as Scottish Government and the CivTech initiative
Digital Economy Minister, Kate Forbes said: “Congratulations to FinTech Scotland for an immensely successful year. With Stephen Ingledew at the helm, FinTech Scotland has galvanised collaboration between Scotland’s universities, financial industry and public sector. Together, we are building Scotland’s reputation as a major global FinTech centre. I personally commend FinTech Scotland for their hard work last year and their vision for the future.
Commenting on the first year Stephen Ingledew, Chief Executive of Fintech Scotland said: “It has been a privilege over this last twelve months to lead the FinTech Scotland team and galvanise the broad range of support from across Scotland to support the growth of innovative fintech enterprises in this last year.
Our progressive, collaborative and inclusive agenda is certainly establishing Scotland as a major global fintech centre which can contribute to Scotland’s economic and social ambitions.
One year on there is still much to do but with a very supportive Board and strategic partners plus a range of stakeholders from private sector, Government and academia actively participating we can achieve the top ranking global fintech status “
Graeme Jones, Scottish Financial Enterprise Chief Executive, said: “FinTech Scotland has made a significant impact over the past 12 months by raising awareness of Scotland’s fintech capabilities and the opportunities available for new and existing businesses. Scotland’s financial services industry has always been at the forefront of innovation and I’m pleased to see this momentum continue. SFE and our members will continue to work collaboratively to support Stephen and his team as they strive to make Scotland a global fintech leader.”
The first anniversary was recognised on Tuesday the 8thof January at the Financial Services Advisory Board (FiSAB) meeting held at the University of Edinburgh, one of the founding partners of FinTech Scotland.
Picture taken at FiSAB on 8 January 2019.
Economy Secretary, Derek MacKay, Digital Economy Minister, Kate Forbes, Jim Pettigrew, FiSAB Co-Chair and Chairman of CYBG plc, Stephen Ingledew, Chief Executive, FinTech Scotland.
At the FiSAB meeting, Stephen Ingledew outlined the key priorities for FinTech Scotland in 2019:
Would your business benefit from an in-depth piece of research and analysis?
The University of Edinburgh is currently looking for projects for MSc Business Analytics, MSc Banking and Risk, and MSc Finance.
Their students are among the best in their field and combine their strategic business and management skills and specialist knowledge with the refinement offered through our 12-month, intensive programmes. They offer different types of projects and will match you with an individual postgraduate student with the specialised skill set suited to your research needs.
The University of Edinburgh MSc in Finance covers all aspects of investment, corporate and energy finance. MSc Banking & Risk projects could cover such topics as analysis of corporate financial information, credit risk management, econometrics applications and many others.
They University can consider almost any topic that has a finance, accounting, investment, energy market, banking or risk focus. Successful projects tend to have an empirical element, which has practical relevance. Most students are keen to work with practitioners on projects which will be of real value to them, helping them find solutions to strategic financial issues such as validity forecasting, forecast asset market returns, risk modelling, dynamic lifecycle strategies etc.
The MSc in Business Analytics (recently ranked 9th in the world in the QS Global Business Masters ranking) is designed to train analysts capable of taking on complex challenges and getting them industry-ready. The programme prepares students not only to be able to analyse and digest data available, but also to translate this into effective decision-making.
A key part is a research-based dissertation project. They are particularly interested in dissertation topics in optimisation or data science. Can you help?
If so, the University is looking for companies to submit project ideas by 26 January 2019. In return, you’ll benefit from the insight of one of the high-calibre postgraduate students, including a substantial report featuring extensive research, rigorous analysis and practical conclusions. To find out more, visit Sponsored Dissertations
To discuss further, contact Ksenia Siedlecka, Business Development Manager, ksenia.siedlecka@ei.ed.ac.uk for MSc Business Analytics
Aidan Hetherington, Corporate Engagement Manager aidan.hetherington@ed.ac.uk for MSc Banking and Risk and MSc Finance
2018 in Review & Orca’s Big Plans for 2019
2018 has been a big year for Orca. We launched the Orca Investment Platform, secured another funding round, and expanded the business in personnel and location. Not to mention, plans have been put in place for the launch of the Orca ISA and the Self-Select’ portfolio builder, a complementary product to the existing Model’ portfolio.
Here is our 2018 timeline of significant milestones”¦
February 2018 – Orca Investment Platform Launches
In February, we launched the Orca Investment Platform, an aggregator which integrates with multiple major peer to peer lenders, enabling investors to spread their capital and risk across platforms, sectors, and borrowers.
This was a massive moment for Orca. Years had been spent building up to this point and a tremendous amount of effort had been invested by many, many people. Special thanks to those who supported us, you know who you are.
September 2018 ”“ Seedrs Equity Crowdfunding Campaign Launches
We ran our first ever equity crowdfunding campaign. Using the Seedrs platform and admittedly unsure of how successful the campaign would be, we were delighted to exceed our £500,000 target in under two days!
With more than 400 investors, spanning dozens of countries, the response from the crowd ”“ including Orca users ”“ has been an especially rewarding feature of the year.
December 2018 ”“ Orca Secures Over £500,000 in Equity Funding
Following the close of the Seedrs campaign, and with contribution from venture capital funds, angel networks and private investors, Orca secured £574,280.
The funds will contribute to Orca’s development and growth plans for 2019.
Now, 2019, here’s the big pitch”¦
Q1 2019 ”“ Orca ISA
The Orca ISA will be a first of its kind in the market where investors can build their own portfolio and hold it in an ISA. Current ISA rules stipulate that people can divide their tax-year ISA allowance of £20,000 between ISA (e.g, Cash, Stocks & Shares and Innovative Finance ISA) accounts however they wish. But, they may only subscribe current tax-year subscriptions to a single IF ISA each year. This means it is very difficult to build a diversified P2P portfolio which is wrapped in an ISA. Investors typically hold one P2P investment within an IF ISA, while the remaining P2P investments are held in taxable general investment accounts.
With the Orca ISA, investors can hold multiple P2P providers in a single IF ISA. Here are the key benefits:
- Invest in the Orca Model portfolio suitable for hands-off investors or Orca’s Self-Select portfolio for the more active investor
- Earn interest up to 6.5%
- Earn returns tax-free
- Diversify ISA money across multiple P2P providers
- Transfer old ISA money
- Invest ISA money at non-ISA P2P providers
The company is already building a Wait List of investors eagerly awaiting the launch of the ISA.
Q1 2019 ”“ Self-Select Portfolio Builder
In addition to the launch of the Orca ISA, we are also launching a new product to complement the existing Model portfolio product.
The Self-Select portfolio builder allows investors to implement their own strategies, selecting only the P2P providers and products they wish to hold in their portfolio. What’s more, investors can build their portfolio and hold it in the Orca ISA.
2019 ”“ Integrate New Lenders
Throughout 2019 we’ll be seeking to introduce new lenders to the aggregator, offering investors greater choice and diversification. Updates on this will come in the new year.
2019 ”“ On-board EU Investors
We are investigating how we can on-board EU investors, something which we believe will stimulate growth in the UK P2P market and offer EU investors a simple access-point to UK P2P lending.
To find out more about our exciting new product developments, click here
Finally, a special thanks to everyone who has invested with Orca, your support is very much appreciated; the value early adopters offer businesses is immeasurable and helps shape future product iterations, so thank you from the entire Orca Team. Have a fantastic 2019!
Applied Fintech Project – Final Event and last update
Blog written by Elisabetta Trasatti, Vice President at UoG FinTech Society
Last Friday night, an entertaining final event at the Glasgow University Union concluded the first Applied FinTech Project (AFTP), organised by the UoG FinTech Society.
Almost one hundred people, including students, professionals and academics, attended the event. With two keynote speakers, a buffet dinner, and the UofG Jazz band playing throughout the evening, the project could not come to an end in a more successful way. In the words of one of the AFTP mentors,
“the event was very well organised: great location, very good and fitting music, and a great jury.”
In case you are hearing about the Applied FinTech Project for the first time, here is a quick run through the ideas and aims of the project.
The AFTP has been designed as an experiential learning opportunity for students, who got the chance to work in teams on a hands-on FinTech case over the course of four weeks.
The project was launched in September with an Information Session at the University and immediately gained the attention of students from different degree subjects and years of study. When reviewing applications, the UoG FinTech Society board was immediately impressed by their quality. Applicants ranged from Computer Science to Engineering, to Economics, Philosophy, Business and Psychology students, and all showed great interest in FinTech, as well as a strong desire to develop their team working and communication skills.
The 25 selected participants, both Undergraduate and Postgraduate students, were divided into 5 teams and given a case provided by the startup Orca Money regarding its expansion strategy in the EU. The teams also got the chance to participate in a workshop organised specifically for them by Deloitte and were assigned a mentor to guide them throughout the project. The mentors, working at Previse, Castlight Financial, Deloitte and Morgan Stanley, both communicated with the teams via email and met with them in person, in order to talk through the challenges the students were facing in their research and give them useful advice.
Last Friday, the teams’ presentations clearly showed all the hard work and dedication that each one of them had put into the project. Not only they presented their findings, but also produced a detailed written report which the judges could read through to get a better understanding of their solutions. As with the mentors, the UoG FinTech Society could not be prouder of having such a great board of judges, of both academics and professionals, participating in the final event.
Another tremendous feature of the evening was the chance for attendees to hear two inspiring keynote speakers. Stephen Ingledew, CEO at FinTech Scotland and Keith O’Donnell, Technology Innovation Lead at Morgan Stanley, provided insights into the Scottish FinTech ecosystem, the current and future trends in FinTech and the ways in which large companies like Morgan Stanley are encouraging innovation in this sector.
The project participants all seemed to enjoy the event and provided positive feedback also regarding the case, their respective mentor and the overall experience they got from participating in the AFTP. As one of the participants stated,
“it doesn’t happen every day to have people say Hey, I worked on an EU expansion strategy for startup X during my second year of university!’ (Imagine saying this in an interview!).”
As it has proved to be such an enriching experience for the students involved, the UoG
FinTech Society hopes to see the Applied Fintech Project become an established society tradition for the years to come. Reaching and involving even more students in the project is one of the society’s main aims, for which the students’ feedback is shaping up to represent a very effective marketing tool:
“How to absorb business knowledge, make new friends and communicate with industry experts in one month? Join the AFTP!”.
Fintech Workshop – trading internationally
Market analysis
Market entry
How to sell online internationally
An insight into opportunities in Germany and The Netherlands
One-to-one support from SDI’s experts on key areas including trading internationally and digital marketing
Plus, it’s the ideal setting to network with other like-minded Scottish businesses
Fintech onboarding guidelines by UK’s 5 largest banks
The importance of technology for Scottish growth
How to deal with data protection issues as an SME – Alastair McKendrick, TC Young Solicitors.
How Healthy Nibbles gained competitive advantage through innovation in a traditionally non tech sector – Sara Roberts, founder Healthy Nibbles.
The practical applications of emerging tech in business – David Sime, Oncor
Making tax digital – hate it or embrace it – Mandy Bogot, Gillespie’s Chartered Accountants
Accessing support and expertise for your business at The University of Edinburgh – Sara Robertson, Entrepreneurship Development Manager, The University of Edinburgh
Outsourcing IT services – how to do it right? – Michal Sztanga, Future Processing
After the sale; a quick guide to getting paid and staying legal – Matt Perkins, Freeagent