An end of year “Thank You” message from our CEO

As we come to the end of 2021 and look forward to 2022, we’re reflecting on the year and are hugely proud of what’s been happening across Scotland’s FinTech Cluster. Despite the continuing challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic we’ve seen fintech SME Growth, both in number of businesses and in terms of scale, we’ve seen record levels of investment in Scottish fintech SME’s, a true testament to the calibre of the businesses and leaders who continue to inspire us day on day.
The past twelve months have also seen more international growth with up to 50% of Scotland’s fintech SME’s building plans for international trade and more global businesses locating to Scotland as they establish a UK base.
We’ve also had the Kalifa review of UK fintech acknowledge the established progress of Scotland’s FinTech Cluster, and we’re looking forward to supporting the implementation of the Scottish Technology Ecosystem Review led by Mark Logan and building a plan to enable Scotland’s future digital economy.
The FinTech Scotland festival provided us all with an opportunity to meet again face to face and if we needed it, it reinforced the energy, optimism, diversity of contribution and breadth of collaboration that contribute to our fintech successes. A highlight for all of us in the FinTech Scotland team were the hybrid and in person events, kicking off with the DIGIT FinTech summit and ending with the Times and Futurescot event where we welcomed the UK regional fintech clusters to Scotland in the Accelerating UK FinTech conference.
During 2021 we have seen a growth in climate fintech, with new fintech SME’s starting to develop businesses to help address the impact of climate change and support the journey to net-zero, as well as established fintech SME’s expanding their existing capabilities to tackle this important issue. I have no doubt we’ll see more of this in 2022 and we’re looking forward to doing more to stimulate and accelerate climate fintech in Scotland.
With the establishment of the Scotland fintech SME advisory Board we have a clear plan on fintech SME priorities for 2022, and it is a privilege to work with these dedicated leaders who have come together aligned behind the vision of economic, social, and sustainable growth across the FinTech Scotland Cluster.
Looking forward to 2022 we’re focused on supporting fintech SME’s to scale and grow, strengthening international connections, building more impactful fintech collaborations and deliberately driving more fintech Research and Innovation (R&I) in Scotland and across the UK. We plan to launch the FinTech Scotland R&I roadmap early in 2022. It’s a plan that pulls together industry R&I priorities as we ask ourselves, what should finance look like in 10 years-time, and it provides us with a framework to lead the answers to that important question.
In drawing to a close, I’d like to say thank you to everyone that’s supported the FinTech Scotland Cluster across 2021. I’m continually reminded of the privilege it is, to know you and work with you in our collective efforts to lead and achieve our ambitions for fintech in Scotland. I’d also like to say a special word of thanks to the brilliant team at FinTech Scotland. I see their energy, commitment and drive everyday and it’s a pleasure to work them.
My final note is to wish you all a happy and healthy 2022 and we’ll look forward to seeing you all next year as we continue to build on our plans and drive the FinTech Scotland Cluster.