Unlock the Power of MSc Student Projects

The University of Edinburgh postgraduate students will utilise their unique knowledge and skills to conduct short pieces of research for the benefit of business and third sector organisations. We are looking for proposals for company-driven projects for several MSc programmes relevant to Fintech and the Financial Services sector. We are particularly interested in data-driven topics in applications of artificial intelligence, machine learning, neural networks, data analytics, cryptofinance and blockchain, distributed finance, portfolio optimization, and behavioural and predictive modelling.
Do you have a business challenge that would benefit from a piece of research and analysis in this area? We are looking to project ideas for our MSc students until the end of December 2022. Projects will be supported by our world-leading academics and delivered by our students over Summer 2023.
Want to learn more?
- Come to our event, Company focused FinTech projects’ on 24th October 2022, 1:30-5pm at the University of Edinburgh Business School Auditorium (includes networking over drinks)
- Unable to join in person? Feel free to sign up anyway: there will be an option to join the presentations remotely.
- Already have an idea in mind and just keen to get started, or another way you’d like to collaborate with the University? E-mail Marina, the University of Edinburgh Business Development Executive, at marina.duka-jenkins@ei.ed.ac.uk
What are the benefits to your organisation?
- Use the results produced for your own (commercial) purposes free of charge
- Raise your profile as a potential employer amongst prospective graduates with specialised knowledge and skills
- Begin or continue to engage with the University of Edinburgh’s expertise
“Working with the MSc in Fintech student was a tremendous help in supporting us to drive our R&D activities. The student was a really motivated individual and delivered high quality project. The academic supervisor also took a hands-on approach that ensured the technical robustness and quality of the proposed methodologies.” – Manuel Peleteiro, Founder & CEO, Inbest
Recent Project Examples:
- Applications of Machine Learning to Regulatory Analytics: Basel Use Test (with Equifax)
- Fairness in Machine Learning (with Tesco Bank)
- Affordability-Driven Credit Decisioning (with Tesco Bank)
- Macroeconomic default modelling (with Virgin Money)
- Business Disruption Assessment of Climate Risks (with Climate X)
- Can change in environmental, social or governance scores be predicted using company characteristics? (with Franklin Templeton)
- ESG investing, impact investing and socially responsible investing – what’s the difference from a performance/return perspective? (with Substantive Research)
- A Market Index for Digital Currencies (with Predictiva)
Book to attend the event: https://eil.ac/FinTechProjects
Or e-mail Marina: marina.duka-jenkins@ei.ed.ac.uk
The MSc projects are delivered free of charge, as part of the students’ dissertations. However, companies can choose to remunerate the students for their time, if they wish.