The Startup Race announces 9 events in Scotland

The Startup Race, just announced that it will host nine events in Scotland All those events will be headlined by bestselling entrepreneurship author Ash
Maurya, well-known for his book Running Lean, which has become a real entrepreneurship movement.
The events will take place in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Dundee, and will aim to connect angels, investors and startup founders. They will offer the opportunity to discuss how to identify risk in business model. The events are supported by both The Startup Race through a partnership grant with the Scottish Government’s Technology Ecosystem Initiative.
Ash Maurya said:
“As I always say, Building a scalable and successful business starts with knowing what to measure and how. Being able to bring this mission to Scotland with the support of both The Startup Race and the Scottish Government’s Technology Ecosystem Initiative, in order to meet with like minded individuals ”“ this is a true honour.”
Here is a breakdown of the programme of events:
Dundee 3rd May
Angel Investor Lunch with Ash Maurya 12:00-14:00
Scaling Lean Workshop for Scaleups & Investors with Ash Maurya
Fireside Chat for Scaleups, Startups & Investors with Ash Maurya
Glasgow 4th May
Angel Investor Lunch with Ash Maurya 12:00-14:00
Scaling Lean Workshop for Scaleups & Investors with Ash Maurya
Fireside Chat for Scaleups, Startups & Investors with Ash Maurya
Edinburgh 5th May
Angel Investor Lunch with Ash Maurya 12:00-14:00
Scaling Lean Workshop for Scaleups & Investors with Ash Maurya
Fireside Chat for Scaleups Startups & Investors with Ash Maurya
Mr. Maurya’s objective is to meet Scottish Angel investors and Scaleup Entrepreneurs to discuss how funded Scaleups need to exploit the “Lean Startup principles” to achieve revenue and profit growth.
Michael Clouser, co-founder of The Startup Race said
“Introducing Ash Maurya to the Scottish startup community has been a goal for quite some time, and we are thrilled to be able to launch this partnership. We hope Scottish based startup founders, angels and investors find value in these events for future growth in all of their entrepreneurship endeavours.”
For more information on The £10,000 Startup Race, please visit: