Discovering the Digital Technology Education Charter

The uptake of Computing Science in schools has fallen dramatically over the last decade, along with the rapid decline of Computing Science teachers numbers in Scotland and there are now too many schools in Scotland that do not offer the subject
In contrast, Scotland has an exciting digital tech sector with excellent tech courses at college and university, and an enormous amount of goodwill to help inspire the next generation into the world of tech.
To give you some context behind the motivation of the charter. In Scotland Computing Science at schools is a subject that has experienced a dramatic decline and currently had a very low uptake of pupils picking the subject, a widening gender gap and a decline in Computing Science teacher numbers. There has been a consistent downward trend over the past two decades, it is extremely alarming as the figures below go someway to illustrating;
2001 – 28,393 pupils were studying the subject at schools. As of 2020, we only have 10,228.
2001 – 9,825 females were studying the subject at schools. As of 2020, we only have 2,388.
Computing Science at schools needs immediate attention before it is too late, which I fear is a lot closer than we think.
I am hoping you can help me try to reverse this situation, help inspire the next generation and take part in our National campaign.
The Scottish Technology Ecosystem Review, authored by Mark Logan highlighted a number of challenges Scotland faces with regard to Computing Science at school and puts education at the heart of the solution. The Digital Technology Education Charter recognises that if industry and education can work more closely together and join forces we can make a real impact.
This charter is for individuals, schools, colleges, universities, and organisations of all sizes from all sectors. If you want to do more to help inspire the next generation and encourage them to choose Computing Science then join our charter. Together we can do more, we can make a difference.
Get involved here