Know-it ”“ Striving for success! Brand New Credit Management Platform

Glasgow based fintech company, Know-it are almost ready to launch their brand-new credit management platform set to transform businesses credit control processes!
Being developed for over 2 years, Founder and CEO Lynne Darcey Quigley, has brought her 25 years credit management experience into the platform. Simplifying the full credit control process and bringing it all together in the one login!
With the fast-paced technology world, Know-it are ahead of the game. Their platform connects with some of the leading accountancy apps including Xero, Sage, QuickBooks and FreeAgent, making it a seamless journey for the customer, allowing them to Check-it (credit check and monitor customers), Chase-it (automated email/letter/SMS payment reminders) and Collect-it (commercial debt recovery support)
The Know-it platform will ensure people have a robust credit management process regardless the size or industry. We want to help businesses save money on subscriptions on multiple platforms and credit referencing services. We also believe that the SME should have the same access to these tools as large PLC’s do. Balancing the playing field!
They have seen some recent success with company Founder and CEO, Lynne Darcey Quigley progressing to the final of the AccelerateHER competition in the FinTech, Data Science & Cyber Security and being shortlisted semifinalists for the Scottish EDGE.
The AccelerateHER Awards are a celebration of female founders and their potential to grow their companies and scale internationally. Lynne has made it through to the final taking place on 25th March, which will involve her pitching live to a panel of judges. Good luck Lynne!
Get to know Lynne a little more by reading her interview with We Are Tech Women
Know-it are currently at beta testing stage with their test group, there is still time to get involved and see the platform before launch! Please get in touch with for more information regarding being a beta tester. All testers will be given an exclusive 6-month free subscription worth over £500.
Find out more about Know-it by visiting their website ”“