Obashi, first Scottish company to join the World Economic Forum’s Global Innovators Community

Scottish fintech Obashi has become the first Scottish business to join the World Economic Forum’s Global Innovators Community, an invitation-only group of the world’s most promising start-ups. It provides a tool to engage with public and private sector leaders and to contribute new solutions to overcome current crises and build future resiliency.
In their latest white paper, “A Roadmap for Cross-Border Data Flows: Future-Proofing Readiness and Cooperation in the New Data Economy”, the forum recently recognised that understanding dataflow is paramount when developing the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
“We are delighted to have Obashi join our Global Innovators Community,” says. We are excited to work with Obashi within the Data Policy Platform given their focus on data flows as a key to accessing the opportunities of the new global data economy”
Sheila Warren, Head of Blockchain, Digital Assets and Data Policy at the World Economic Forum.
Obashi provides a flexible dataflow governance model that enables any organisation to understand and unlock their dataflow potential.
“Dataflow underpins every industry on the planet, and it’s exciting and heartening to now see it being recognised as a vital global utility and a key component part of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. We’re delighted to be the first Scottish company to begin collaborating with the World Economic Forum and other technology leaders as part of the Global Innovator’s Community.”
Fergus Cloughley, CEO of Obashi
As part of the Global Innovators Community, Obashi will help define the global agenda on key issues with a particular focus on shaping the future of technology governance ”“ Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.