FinTech and Translation Industries; Interesting Bedfellows

When one looks at the business challenges and technological advancements, shared by both FinTech and Translation Industries, alike, quite a few interesting synergies emerge, including:
- Both being enablers of global online client interactions
- Both enjoying unlimited client reach
- Both disrupting traditional workflows, via technological advancement
- Shared concerns regarding data security
FinTech is one of the most rapidly expanding sectors in the world, revolutionising personal & business finance, via online banking and applications. FinTech has changed the finance game, forever, and has rendered traditional banking methods, extinct.
Whether it is, the exchange of foreign currency, the ability to trade in cryptocurrency, the ease of access to the world of investment, or making payments via mobile, the sheer scale of opportunity is remarkable.
The translation industry, of course, performs the translation & localisation of banking apps, websites, and communications that all enable global trade. New advances & developments in translation technology, have played their part in changing the entire client experience. This could be through automated translation as opposed to human translations, secure portals for the transfer of client files, API technology to connect client and supplier systems, or Online Editor facilities.
Unlimited Client and Workforce Reach
Online workflows & operations mean that, in both industries, there are no geographical barriers to having a global workforce or client base. Translation & localisation also ensure no limitations in the launching of new products to international audiences.
Accredited translation agencies have invested and incorporated the latest technologies within their workflows. Their skillset in managing complex localisation projects, ensures that the FinTech industry can quickly & effectively market their services globally.
Although FinTech communications can be handled seamlessly, accreditation is an altogether different story. One principal issue that FinTech faces when expanding, is navigating the relevant local regulation. With codices differing between, and even within, countries, the legal side of FinTech growth is far from simple.
Technology: Disrupting Traditional Ways of Working
FinTech and Translation companies can successfully operate without necessarily needing brick & mortar facilities. Of course, there are both advantages & disadvantages to fully-online-based organisations; for those with global operations, however, the advantages are manifold. For example, lower operational costs allow SMEs and Start-Ups to invest in personnel and the business itself, rather than being burdened with the heavy cost of facilities.
Although, being location-independent does present its own set of challenges. The puzzles of how to best: manage, motivate, or support staff effectively, for instance.
Data Security
Data security is essential in all industries and sectors; this is especially acute with respect to financial transactions and the security of client translation documents. Unfortunately, we are all too frequently confronted with news of ransomware cyber-attacks, against companies such as North Hydro and Travelex. That said, this threat is perennial to all industries and companies.
Most translation agencies enable clients to order & transfer files online, via a secure Client Portal’. For the most technologically advanced translation companies, the client files are not issued directly to external translators, as was done in the past.
This new workflow facilitates the translation of files directly within the online translation platform, accessed via the unique & secure portal. Maximum security for client IP, is thus, guaranteed.
A Conclusion
As little as five years ago, it was unimaginable to foresee such a rapid shift to mobile apps & online-only operations; it is fascinating to contemplate where we will be in five years’ time.
These technological developments are not only advancing services & capabilities within the industries themselves, but also other, more indirect, business benefits. These include: a global unlimited client base; online-only operations; physical office facilities becoming no longer necessary; or flexible working options.
All of this significantly lowers the barriers to entry for entrepreneurs in all industries internationally. It will be enthralling to see this continued evolution, and what lies ahead for all of us.
This blog was written by Fiona Feldermann McCrae, Managing Partner, at McFelder Translations.
McFelder Translations, an ISO accredited powerhouse with almost two decades of technical experience, is your passport to building a global brand.
If you’d like to find out more about localising your FinTech communications, email:
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