GLEIF and Open Future World Directory to enter partnership

The Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) and Open Future World have announced a new collaboration to help open finance organisations to work together.
This comes after the launch of the Open Future World Directory , the open finance organisation directory. Thank soo the addition of the Legal Entity Identifiers (LEIs) within the directory, it will be easier to identify who to connect to and do business with.
“The Legal Entity Identifier is a global standard for transparent and unique identification of legal entities. Users of the Open Future World Directory now benefit from quick and easy identification of the listed organization by linking to its validated and verified profile in the Global LEI Repository,”
Clare Rowley, GLEIF Head of Business Operations
“Whether you are talking about customers choosing to share their financial data, or financial institutions and fintechs working together, trust is a key theme in open banking and open finance. LEIs help enhance transparency by making it easier to know who you are dealing with.”
Nick Cabrera, Open Future World co-founder