Agrud Unveil Expansion In Global Market Analysis Capabilities

Agrud is part of the Scottish fintech community and are the people behind Stella, a powerful global market analysis engine.
Operating between Edinburgh, Kolkata and Singapore, Agrud is pleased to announce an expansion in the way it helps financial institutions and the mass affluent stay well informed in an increasingly complex market environment.
Combining a lifetimes’ investment experience, an innovative approach to data modelling along with purpose-built natural language generation (NLG) technology, Agrud’s UI’s already cater to the needs of over 10,000 investment professionals globally.

Traditional means of market analysis are falling short in their ability to take full account of the vast quantity and variety of data available today. Whilst price data, industry reports and statistical analysis are still fundamental tools in the investors arsenal, Agrud’s development of its Indicators’ system represents a landmark depth and breadth of automated written-word insights.
Over one-millions real time data points are able to be drawn upon for fact-creation’ about market activity, from technicals and fundamentals to insights on behaviors on all major social media platforms. Around 20,000 indicators can be used in the creation of insights around any particular entity.
The transformation of this vast quantity of facts’ into useful narratives is where our NLG system comes in. Insights are crafted into easily-readable sentences, and ordered so as to prioritize what matters most to the user.
The real-time acquisition, aggregation, interpretation and delivery of valuable information is the mission.
“Information empowers, and by making premium quality global market analysis more openly available you provide opportunities for growth. Too many are excluded by the crazy price tags of the traditional providers.”
Co-founder and CEO Sayanta Basu