Interview with Revolut – Challenger bank set to disrupt business banking

We spoke with James Gibson, Senior Product Owner at Revolut to speak about how the company is looking at disrupting the business banking sector.
We hear a lot about disruption in banking but that’s very often for consumers, do you expect the same happening to Business Banking?
Consumer experience has always been at the centre of disruption and as long as there are innovations or improvements that can be made to that in any industry – they will continue to be disrupted. Business banking is no different. Rubbish exchange rates, hidden fees and lengthy on-boarding times are issues we’ve already been able to solve and now we’re working on delivering innovative solutions to our business customers.
How would you rate the state of business banking at the moment in terms of experience and offering?
Products and services can always be better. What we can comment on is the surge of start-ups in the space – that just means there’s so much work to be done. Everyone is working to solve fundamental problems and deliver the basic solutions but soon we’ll see start-ups experiment with niche features and thats what will be exciting to watch.
How do you hope to change this at Revolut?
We’ve already impacted thousands of businesses across Europe by helping them with massive savings on exchange rates and avoiding any hidden or confusing fees. We’re now looking at building a one stop shop so that businesses can do almost everything in one place. For example, expense management with even more accounting tools to add to Xero and FreeAgent and even looking into launching acquiring in the near future.
Are there other examples around the world of companies who got it right according to you?
There are a lot of start-ups around the world disrupting industries and changing the way businesses and consumers think about product experiences. Companies like Uber, AirBnB, Apple have customer experience at the core of what they do and that’s a philosophy that we share as well. Of course, it is difficult to pin-point any companies that are doing everything perfectly which is great because it shows that even these established companies recognise the importance of continued progression and disrupting their own processes.
What does the future look like for business banking?
Bright and with lots of Revolut cards! Our vision remains similar to the quest we embarked on 4 years ago: ease of use for clients, automated processes where possible, fair and transparent pricing and technological developments that directly impact the finances of any business in any industry. We’ve done well on all of these points so far but we have much more to do!
What’s the next functionality you’re exciting about pushing to the market?
We’re super excited about the work that we’re doing around acquiring and we’re hopefully going to make some major announcements in the next year. We also listen closely to the feedback of our existing 100k+ businesses clients and it’s clear that UI and even more control over company spending are key topics so we will have some exciting updates on this area soon!