Ethical Finance 2018: Regaining Trust and Demonstrating Impact

Growing awareness of UNSDGs, sustainability, climate change and social justice issues, combined with concerns around trust arising from the 2008 financial crisis, have raised questions around the integrity, transparency and accountability of financial institutions and driven consumer expectation for finance to be social cognisant.
UKIFC in partnership with present a brand new conference, titled Ethical Finance 2018’ in Edinburgh on October 22-23, hosted by RBS and supported by the Scottish Government, HM Government and UNDP.
The aim of the conference is to gather banks, asset managers, faith-related investors, mission-driven endowments, charities and family offices together to look at practical solutions to promote trust in banking and investment and create long-term, sustainable finance solutions.
It will explore how trust in a sustainable economy can be revitalised, and how faith and endowment investors are confronting today’s biggest societal and economic challenges, notably as part of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Topics on the agenda include:
· How do endowments, family offices and philanthropic entities use values and purpose as investment strategies
· How are faith groups ensuring their assets are managed according to the purpose
· The UN Sustainable Development Goals and the practicalities of investing
· Measuring impact across different asset classes
· The move from negative screening to positive investment
· Direct impact investing in developed and emerging markets.
The event will include a reception at Edinburgh Castle hosted by the Scottish Government.
The programme for the conference and further information can be found on the event site and by clicking for the programme and further info via the Register button.