4th International Call by Spanish Bank Bankia

Bankia Fintech Program allows startups from all around the world to develop a PoC for one of the most important banks in Spain without moving from their home country.
The organiser, Innsomnia, operates with a No Equity model, so startups can continue freely working for other clients of investors. Innsomnia just extended the deadline for international applications until the 30th of September.
The duration of the program is seven months during which startups will have direct access to the innovation partners of Bankia, and access to mentorship experts.
This call is for companies involved in the following verticals:
Solutions for SMEs
Alternative Scoring
Cyber security
Artificial Intelligence ”“ Machine Learning
You can find all the information about the Open Call here. You can also speak to FinTech Scotland to be introduced to the team at Innsomnia.