DemoFest 2018: Bringing Research to Life

This blog was written by Steven Kendrick, Executive Officer for the Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance (SICSA), which represents all 14 Scottish HE Computing Schools/Departments. Steven is responsible for all aspects of the management of the Research Pool.
As the warm summer continues, we are already looking ahead to our main knowledge exchange event of the year “DemoFest: Bringing Research to Life”, which takes place at Our Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh, on the evening of 6th November.
The event is aimed at showcasing some of the leading Computing and technology research taking place within universities in Scotland; and it is aimed principally at businesses and the public sector.
DemoFest brings together research talent, businesses, the public sector and Government for an evening of avant-garde technology demo’s; engaging talks and networking. This year we expect over 250 industry delegates; with over 50 research and tech’ exhibits and two great keynote talks (Dr Jamie Graves, CEO of Zonefox and Ali Shah, Head of Technology Direction at the BBC.
Because of the breadth of research and technology under the roof, DemoFest is aimed at businesses of any size, operating in many sectors ”“ including but not limited to Finance, Telecommunications, Cybersecurity, Big Data, Robotics and AI, Space Technology, Gaming, Energy, and Health & Wellbeing.
The event is now in its 11th year and the benefits of attending are far-reaching. It can be an opportunity to sow the seeds for innovative collaboration between universities and businesses. It can spark the commercialisation of a brilliant idea and begin the path to establishing a successful business. It also puts employers into contact with some of the brightest people working in technology in the country and vice-versa. For researchers and academics it provides a platform to discuss their research and demonstrate technology working in real-time.